Retreat at Blue Gate January 11 – 13

Retreat at Blue Gate ~ January 11 – 13

Drop off the grid and slip away for a weekend of restoration and energetic awareness.

Open to the Wisdom Whispers of nature as you drop into yoga, meditation, alchemical crystal bowl sound bath, medicine teachings to include Shamanic Reiki transmissions*, and journaling.  All facilitated by Meg Haggerty.

Esalen trained Matt Haggerty will deepen the nourishment with thoughtfully prepared meals and cacao for ceremony.

$495 earlybird until 1/3, $550 thereafter. Includes lodging, meals and teachings.

Allow the land and water to open the sacred wisdom within.

* To be used for self healing or as a step onto the path of energy medicine practitioner.


Retreat at Blue Gate ~ January 11 – 13
Drop off the grid and slip away for a weekend of restoration and energetic awareness.
Allow nature, yoga, meditation, medicine teachings, hands on healing and journaling to be your guides, facilitated by Meg Haggerty.
Esalen trained Matt Haggerty will deepen the nourishment with thoughtfully prepared meals and cacao for ceremony.
$495 earlybird until 1/3, $550 thereafter. Includes lodging, meals, teachings, paddle board and kayak use.
Allow the land and water to open the sacred wisdom within.

Retreat at Blue Gate

Retreat at Blue Gate ~ September 7th ~ 9th

Drop off the grid and slip away for a weekend of restoration and energetic awareness.

Allow nature, yoga, crystal bowl healing, energy medicine teachings, and journaling to be your guides, along with Meg Haggerty and guest yoga teacher from Australia, Lenore Munroe.

Matt Haggerty will deepen the nourishment with thoughtfully prepared meals and cacao for ceremony.

$550/$495 earlybird before August 25th.  Includes lodging, meals, teachings, paddle board and kayak use.

Allow the land and water to open the sacred wisdom within.

Retreat at Blue Gate

An Invitation . . .
Walk beyond the Blue Gate

Feel the earth hold each step

Open to the welcome touch of the trees

Inhale woodstove and campfire

Step to the edge of the lake

And allow her to reflect the beauty

Of your unique journey


Retreat Offerings:  Chakra/Energy system and energy healing teachings

Shamanic Yoga

Guided meditation

Personal reflection time


When:  Friday April, 13th 6:30 through Sunday April 15th 1:30pm

Where:   Haven Lake in Tahuya WA (1 hour 20 minutes from Seattle via highway or scenic

Fauntleroy or downtown ferry ride)

What:    Retreat weekend to include sleeping accommodations, supper Friday night, breakfast,

lunch and dinner Saturday, brunch on Sunday, plus snacks, tea and coffee.

Cost:      Early bird $450 when registered by March 15th

$490 after March 15th

Only 4 spots remain. Registration closes April 6th

A $200 deposit will hold your space, with balance due on the first day of the retreat


May you capture the momentum of this February black moon month, first one in 19 years ~ an astrological event that offers space to release the past and step fully into the present.

In Retreat with the Trees ~ Women’s Yoga and Shamanic Retreat

In Retreat with the Trees
September 15–17, 2017
A Women’s Retreat at the Yoga Lodge on Whidbey Island

Trees have consciousness, they give us life, healing and teaching.

Join Cosetta Romani and Meg Haggerty for a weekend of ritualized yoga, art, meditation and shamanic practices in the forest, shifting thinking into feeling.  Complimented by Ayurvedic meals prepared by Chef Aria Peterman.

Disrobe yourself from that constant thinking. Become as naked as you began.
~Em Claire

Secure your spot: $196, non-refundable deposit
Costs above include all meals, lodging, & teaching. Transportation is the only additional expense.

Visit for more details and to register.

Visit the Yoga Lodge website for more details about getting there.

Creating Healing Relationships through Healing Touch

Join me and instructor extraordinaire, Dawn Warnaca, for a Healing Touch Level One class in Seattle on February 20 & 21st (Saturday/Sunday).  The Healing Touch Program is an international multi – level educational program in energy based medicine therapy.  Healing Touch is a nursing based continuing education program* OPEN TO ALL who are interested in learning about the human energy system.  Students will learn energy system concepts related to health, the basics of the energy system and energy field, the location and function of the chakras, meditations for centering and maintaining energetic flow, principals of self -healing, the principals of Healing Touch and much more.

Tuition:  $365 / HTPA or AHNA members $340/ Students $255

To learn more go to

or contact Dawn at

or contact me (Meg) @

Consider joining us for a rich and empowering class, opening you to the intuitive healer that lives within.

*Healing Touch Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing edutation by the Amercian Nurses Credentialing Center’s COA

*Healing Touch Program is approved by the National Certication Board for Therapeutic massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider (#150588-00)

*Healing Touch Program is endorsed by the American and Canadian Holistic Nurses Association

The Truth of Joy

The truth of joy is the richness and courage to fall from grace and still see the core beauty of yourself. To get banged up a bit and sit in the journey of healing. We are each our own greatest healer, but often throw dirt in our wounds because we don’t feel worthy to be whole. Our wounds begin to fester, getting infected and going deep into our system. We then become our wounds. To come back to our truth we can tenderly cleanse these wounds, lick these wounds, release these wounds and stand tall in the miracle of being human. Releasing wounds, releasing drama, opening to the journey of healing. The grace, joy and ease of being in body, mind and spirit ~ exactly who we are here to be, an original human being.

Oh What A Day!

Oh what a day!  Today the universe has set the stage for opening to possibility, clearing out the old and setting intentions for the the authentic.  Our day is in perfect balance with the spring (vernal) equinox occuring at 3:45pm pst.  Yep!  345 . . . order and balance.

We also have a solar eclipse, the Earth’s first ~ and only ~  total solar eclipse of the year and the first one since November 2013. The next total solar eclipse in the USA will be in August 2017.

And if that weren’t enough . . . .  a Supermoon is happening!  A Supermoon is a full or new moon that occurs during the moon’s closest approach to Earth on its elliptical orbit.

We won’t see this Supermoon today because (yes more!) today is also a new moon, meaning the moon has waned all the way into darkness and tomorrow will begin to wax back into fullness.

Each one of these events alone  creates an opportunity for setting intentions and making life happen, but put them all together and you get houskeeping, opportunity, creativity . . . and more!

So, take time today to feel the AMAZING astoronomical events that are occurring, feeling with your inner vision, since your outer eyes may not actually see anything.   Walk boldly onto the stage of your life today, take time to throw open your arms, experience the fullness of possibility, let go of what is no longer useful, and gaze into the eyes of others to connect and expand in the limtilessness of this extraordinary human experience we all get to share.

Enjoy this glorious day and carry it forward into all of your tomorrows.

Embody the Joy that is You.


Journey to the Center of Self

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness, combining the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a purposeful path.  This medieval pattern, based on the universal symbol for unity and wholeness, the circle, leads each of us to our center, our very core. The beauty and mystery of this journey to the center of self and back out into the world provides a gorgeous metaphor for how we walk through life.  The labyrinth has an uncanny ability to tap into our intuition and release creative intelligence.  Reminding us of the simplicity, the embodiment of putting one foot in front of the other, quieting the mind and opening the heart.  As we walk, we drop walls, we twist and turn, balancing our masculine and feminine, and we release that which no longer serves our highest good.  This gorgeous journey ignites our hearts longing for connectedness and rememberance of our purpose for living ~ giving us the courage to take risks as we manifest our gifts into the world.

What are you willing to do?

Happy new year to all of you on this day filled with sunshine to stimulate and inspire ~

We are moving into an amazing year,  2013.
Thirteen being symbolic of realizing order from chaos, new beginnings after “death”,  all while honoring and being held by mother earth.
My question for all of you as we move into a new calendar and a new, fresh season  “What are you willing to do to live your dream in truth and health ~ aligned with your true purpose?” ~
I invite you all to consider standing honestly  in self care from the inside out and ask “what am  I willing to do to live my optimal life?” Are you willing to pause and listen, resist the temptation to slide into habit and listen a bit longer, explore truly nourishing options?  Are you willing to be transparent, be completely honest with yourself and others?  Are you willing to dig in the refrigerator (of life) to find what you already have that nourishes you and toss out what is no longer useful?  Are you willing to sit with yourself and others, feel an itch and sit a bit longer to see if it passes or if the itch really needs to be scratched?  Are you willing to set the excuses aside and live the life of your dreams?  Are you willing to give yourself the gift of abundant love, health and joy?  Shedding the cloak of unworthiness, knowing that it is up to you to find your own enthusiastic “yes” knowing that the universe celebrates when we truly stand in our gorgeous, unique wholeness!
I invite you to join me in embracing an enthusiastic “yes” ~
I joyfully stand in my truth knowing that I am in the amazing company of all of you!